Running under the divine patronage of Shri Guru Harkrishan Sahib, The School, Sri Guru Harkrishan Public School Golewala, has traversed its 6-year glorious journey since the attainment of its prestigious CBSE affiliation in 2015-16. The School is a dream project of S.Gurcharan Singh, worthy chairman of the school, who is acknowledgeably credited for revolutionizing the erstwhile educationally backward Malwa Belt with quality education through a cluster of five Dasmesh Group of schools in Faridkot district and Shaheed Ganj Public School Mudki, in Ferozepur District. Establishment of Sri Guru Harkrishan Public School at Golewala, a village 15 Kms away from the nearest CBSE schools of Faridkot is the fulfillment of a keenly felt desire of S. Gurcharan Singh for educationally catering to the aspiring wards of marginal farmers at their door steps with added benefit of affordable fee so that they too can enjoy the glow of success like their town- dwelling counterparts. Beginning from the minuscule on the map of Golewala, the school has emerged as a fully grown entity with duly acknowledged prestige and multifarious achievements of students and teachers in various scholastic and non-scholastic fields by achieving absolute land-mark in CBSE examinations, Science projects, Technology-aided learning and the arena of Games & Sports.

The school is well–equipped with Smart Classrooms, Computer Lab, Maths Lab, well-stacked Library, Seminar Room, Activity Rooms and Tuck shop serving hygienically prepared nutritious food options. The School offers an innovative academic programme to students through highly qualified teachers who effectively activate their cognitive domain of critical thinking, independent inquiry, creativity etc, but equally important other two domains like Affective and Psychomotor are also taken care of while designing the school programme. As far as the school infrastructure is concerned it is perfectly in consonance with RTE Act stipulations. The school enjoys an ideal ambience of an institution worthy of shaping careers that embellish the personalities of its pass-outs making them capable of fitting into the current world-order.


Contact Information


Faridkot-ferozpur road,Village Golewala


